Amenifanyia amani x2 (He has granted me peace)
Kaondoa huzuni yangu (He removed my sadness)
Kanifanyia amani (And granted me peace)
Nijapopita, kwenye bonde la mauti (Though I walk through the valley of death)
Sitaogopa, maana wewe uko nami (I shall not fear, for You are with me)
Gongo lako na fimbo yako (Your rod and Your staff)
Eh Bwana vyanifariji (Oh Father they comfort me)
Wanifanyia amani (You grant me peace)
Umesema ya kwamba hutaniacha (You said that You would never leave me)
Sababu mimi ni mboni ya jicho lako (For I am the [apple] of your eye)
Bwana wanitazama, asubuhi, mchana, jioni
(Lord You look over me, Morning, afternoon, evening)
Eeh Bwana – kweli Mungu wa baraka
(Oh Lord – You are the God of blessings)
Amebadilisha uchungu wangu (He turned my pain)
Umekua ni furaha yangu (It has become my joy)
Huyu Yesu amenipa furaha – Kanifanyia amani
(This Jesus gave me joy – granted me peace)
Amebadilisha machozi yangu (He turned my tears)
Yamekuwa ni furaha yangu (To become my joy)
Huyu Yesu amenipa furaha – kanifanyia amani
(This Jesus gave me joy – granted me peace)
Furaha unipayo siyo kama ya dunia hii
(The joy You give me, is not of this world)
Amani unipayo siyo kama ya ulimwengu huu
(The peace You give me, is not like of this world)
We waniganga moyo nipatapo uchungu
(You encourage me in times of troubles)
Wanifanyia amani (You grant me peace)
Amenifanyia furahax2 (He has granted me joy)
Kaondoa huzuni yangu (He removed my sadness)
Kanifanyia furaha (And granted me joy)
Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh…
Intro Just a little time we will leave this world, Just a little time and we will live no more…
You beautify me you sustain me you glorify yourself in my life Iwo ni adun aye mi You show up…
For we are not drunk with wine in excess but we are filled with the Holyghost we are not drunk…
Thank you thank you thank you I have come to thank you Lord you have been so good to me…
Baba I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I…
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