
Kelvin Onuku

Added on : Nov 1, 2016

Bianule – Kelvin Onuku
Nov 1, 2016 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

Verse 1
Little Tracy was twelve years old
Diagnosis of a blood disease the doctor said
She’s been in the comer for two weeks now
The doctor said to her mother
She’s gonna die
Her mother cried and called the name Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus,
Her mother cried and called the name Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
And suddenly the hand of God was moving,
And suddenly the hand of God was moving
And suddenly Tracy could open her eyes again
When her mother saw this, she scream and shouted

Bianule what the Lord has done x2,
Come and see what the Lord has done,
Bianule Bianule

Verse 2
Twenty years of marriage,
She didn’t have a child,
So many laughed at her,
They called her name,
So many mocked at her,
She started crying,
She said God please remember me,
She cried and called the name Jesus!!!
She cried and called the name Jesus!!!
And suddenly the God of Hannah answered her,
And suddenly the God of Hannah answered her…
She scream and shouted Bianule

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