Consistent God

Kelvin Naza

Added on : Aug 23, 2018

Consistent God – Kelvin Naza
Aug 23, 2018 I-solo
In Lyrics

Consistent God
You have wiped all of my tears away… (4 times)

God of all Creation, the lifter of our hands
Alpha and Omega, your praises fills the air……..
You are amazing and awesome in power
And you can do anything, unlimited Jehovah
It’s ‘cos of your mercies yeah.. that I’m standing here today
You turned my life around ee eh…
Here is my testimony eh…..

Consistent God
You have wiped all of my tears away (4 times)

Halleluyah, worship be unto your name
(Halleluyah, worship be unto your name)

Halleluyah, praises be unto your name
(Halleluyah, praises be unto your name)

Halleluyah, halleluyah to your name
(Halleluyah, halleluyah to your name)

We say halleluyah, glory to your name
(We say halleluyah, glory to your name)

Oh…. unlimited God, the Lion and the Lamb
Unchanging changer, your name be lifted high
You’ve been consistent God….
Thank you for your grace
I’m alive because of you, today……..


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