(Non-English parts are sung in Twi)
Your name is Jehovah, Your name is Elohim
At the mention of your Name; Every knee must bow
At the mention of Your Name; Every tongue shall confess
That You are the Covenant Keeping God
There’s no one like You
Covenant keeping God, There’s no one like You
Alpha and Omega, There’s no one like You
God of Abraham, Jehovah Jireh…
You are the God of Jacob
God of Elijah, You answer by fire
You are the God of Daniel
You are my Covenant Keeping God
There’s no one like You
Wo din ne Yehova (Your name is Jehova)
Wo din ne ahuntahuno (Your is name to be feared)
Obiara nti s3 wo (You cannot be compared)
Nana br3br3 wo (Walk gently, my king (?))
Ya si Nana br3br3 wo (Walk gently, my king (?))
[.?.] br3br3 wo (Walk gently, my king (?))
Covenant keeping God, There is no one like You
My Alpha and Omega, There is no one like You