Edara (You are good)

Alade De Saint

Added on : May 3, 2017

Edara (You are good) – Alade De Saint ft. Elijah Daniel
May 3, 2017 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

Edara (You are Good)
You are good to me I know
You are nice to me I can see
Oh my God
You are everything to me/3x
Olorun mi
E dara simi ooo, e dara/2x

Edara simi ooo, Edara
Edara simi ooo, Edara
Edara simi ooo, Edara
Edara simi ooo, Edara
Edara simi ooo, Edara
Edara simi ooo, Edara

Unchangeable God (Response)
Reliable God (Response)
Ebube dike (Response)
E dara

Edara simi ooo, Edara/repeat till end

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