Ezem (3x) na di ndu (My king is everlasting)
Onye nwe anyi ezitewo ndi muozi ya ka biakutem (For he has given his angels charge over me)
Onodu’m n’emetuya n’obi (Because everything that concerns me touches his heart)
Ezem (3x) na di ndu (My king is everlasting)
Adilips in chorus
Oji oku eri aja ( He that consumes sacrifices with fire)
Oku n’erere (Consuming fire)
Oku n’aza ekpere (The God that answers by fire)
Agiga na to agbu (He that sets the captives free)
Captain of the host of heaven
My shield and buckler
Enwerem enyi (I have a friend)
Nke na egbo nkpam nile (That meets all my my needs)
Ulo’m di anya karia kpakoando (whose home is beyond the moon and stars)
Mara na nka bu oke ihe omere ( Everything he has done for me)
Nke m ji na eti Halleluyah (makes me shout Hallelujah)
Adlips in last Chorus
King of kings
Lion of the tribe of Judah
You are seated in heaven and earth is your footstool
I bow before your throne
I worship at your feet
Ogbajiri igwe kpo ya nku (He that breaks iron like wood)
Akpoaza mee (My prayer answering God)
You are worthy Jesus
Ezem na adi ndu (My everlasting King).