Kuna nchi pale ng’ambo ya ule mto (There is a land beyond the river)
Ni nchi nzuri na ya kupendeza (A beautiful land of bliss)
Ndio nyumbani kwetu (A land we call home)
Kuna nyimbo huko ni kuabudu daima (A land of continuous singing and praise)
Malaika wapiga tarumbeta (Where angels play harps)
Natamani ‘fika huko (I long to get there one day)
Furaha tele, Tukifika mbinguni (O what a joy, When we get to heaven)
Tutapita njia zilizopambwa nzuri za dhahabu (Treading beautiful streets of gold) Tutauimba, Wimbo mpya wa Musa (And sing a new song, A song of Moses)
Tukisema hozana hozana Yesu (Saying Hosanna Hosanna to Jesus)
Hallelujah abudiwa (Hallelujah be exalted) (Repeat)
Nikifika huko, nitapumzika kwa kweli (When I get there, I will finally rest)
Nitautua mzigo mzito (I will lay down my heavy burden)
Yesu anipokee (Jesus will receive me)
Nitaonana na, ndugu tul’opoteana (I will be reunited with departed brethren)
Sote tukusanyike mbele ya Yesu (And together we will be gathered before Jesus) Natuimbe nyimbo (Singing His praises)
Tutatembea, shambani mwake Bwana (We will walk in the garden of the Lord)
Tuchune matunda tufurahie (With great joy we’ll gather fruits)
Tule mezani na Yesu (And dine with Jesus)
Atayapanguza, machozi tulolia (And He will wipe all of our tears)
Kifo kamwe hakitakuwepo tena (Death will be no more)
Tutakua washindi (For we will be victorious)
Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh…
Intro Just a little time we will leave this world, Just a little time and we will live no more…
You beautify me you sustain me you glorify yourself in my life Iwo ni adun aye mi You show up…
For we are not drunk with wine in excess but we are filled with the Holyghost we are not drunk…
Thank you thank you thank you I have come to thank you Lord you have been so good to me…
Baba I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I…
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