Verse 1:
You are the Lord There is none like you
let the earth proclaim Holy is you name
Chorus 1:
Great is your faithfulness Lord unto me
Your love will still remain Jesus bless your name
Chorus 2:
God is a good God I serve a living God
Verse 2:
No one else can deserve the glory
Who has all authority
No one else can give lives a meaning
Who satisfies our every need
My eyes have seen your glory I have come to testify
My mouth shall sing your wonders Day and night all I can say is
(Repeat Chorus 2)
His name is Jehovah His grace is sufficient
I’m in love with you Your grace and mercy see me through oh Lord
None compares to you I worship you
I’ll wait on you always
My God is a good God
Response: Yes He is
His name is Jehovah
His grace is sufficient