Great and mighty


Added on : Sep 6, 2019

Great and mighty – Marisa
Sep 6, 2019 I-solo
In Lyrics

Great and Mighty God
How wonderful you are
How wonderful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God
How wonderful you are
How wonderful you are
In this place

(You are wonderful, wonderful)

Great and Mighty God
How wonderful you are
How wonderful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God
How wonderful you are
How wonderful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God
How beautiful you are
How beautiful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God you are
Showing me how great you are
Like the mighty winds
That we do not see
You are moving in this place

(Great and Mighty God)

Great and Mighty God
How powerful you are
How powerful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God
How powerful you are
How powerful you are
In this place

Great and Mighty God you are
Showing me how great you are
Like the mighty winds
That we do not see
You are moving in this place

Great and Mighty God you are
Showing me how great you are
Like the mighty winds
That we do not see
You are moving in this place

Glorious you are
(Glorious you are)
Marvellous you are
(Marvellous you are)
Beautiful you are
(Beautiful you are)
Wonderful you are
(Wonderful you are)
Like the mighty winds
(Marvellous you are)
That we do not see
(Beautiful you are)
You are moving in this place.


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