The Angels bow before your throne..
The Heavens speaks of your glory…
My heart will praise you forever,baba oo..baba rere.
I will join the heavens to worship your holy name..
You are great and awesome arugbo ojo baba rere…
Aribiti Arabata you are bigger than the world..
Aribiti Arabata baba o baba rere.
From the depth of my heart sing praises to you Lord…
You have done what no man can do..baba o,baba rere…..
Who am i that you are mindful of.. you’ve done me well,you’ve done me great….
You are more than what they call you baba o baba rere.
Adarapo mawon angeli tan ke mimo mimo sologo julo….
Awon agbagba tade ori won won wole niwaju ite wipe eh eh eh…
Aribiti Arabata you are bigger than the world…
Aribiti Arabata baba o baba rere.