Be the Air I’m breathing
You are the life I’m living
Everlasting waters, river overflowing
Breath of life, fire of God
Living waters, overflow
Breath of life, fire of God
Living waters ,overflow
Holy Ghost , help me
Give me Grace , give me more
help me to be more like Him
I need help, I need you (2ce)
I need help
Oh Holy one 2x
Ositoto laiye ooh 2x (chant )
Holy Ghost, cleanse me
fill me, transform
Help me to be more like Him
I need help
Oh Holy one
Ositoto laiye oh 4x (chant)
Holy Ghost ,Holy Ghost
I need you, I need Grace
I need more
Orema Sito Amaiye (chant)
I cannot do it by myself
I cannot do it by myself
Ositoto laiye oh
Ositoto laiye oh
Ositoto laiye oh
Ositoto laiye oh
Holy Ghost (chant)
Spirit of God, I need you…
Come Holy Spirit
Bubble up inside of me
I don’t I don’t like what I see (2ce)
Help me help me help me (3ce)
I come by the Blood (2ce)
Holy Ghost (Chant)
I need you…
Holy Ghost (chant)
Edisana Spirit Abasi Ibom (Holy Spirit of God)
Help me now…
Holy Ghost (chant)
Be the Air I’m breathing(2ce)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I need You more, more than ever before…
Holy Ghost(chant)
Spirit of God, we need you
Holy Ghost(chant)
We need you(Several times)
Be the air I’m breathing,
You are the life I’m living
Everlasting waters
River overflowing
Breathe life, fire of God
Living waters, overflow
Holy Ghost(chant)