Verse 1:
He is the light
And the light is the light of men
Through him the whole world was made
He’s the light of witness
Anyone that come through him is the reflection of the light
There is power in your word that help me see every day
I declare I declare you are God
I declare you are Lord
Lord of Lord’s
I declare you are king (x2)
King of all the Kings
Verse 2:
You snatched me
From the force of darkness
You brought me into your marvellous light
I am more than conqueror cause greater light lives inside of me
I declare I declare you are God
I declare you are Lord (x2)
Lord of lord’s
I declare you are King
King of all kings
I cannot be stopped by the force of darkness
I cannot be stopped by their manipulation
Cause I got the light of God living inside of me
Cause the greater light of God living inside of me
I declare you are Lord
Lord of Lord’s
I declare you are king (x2)
King of all Kings
The angels bow down and call you their Lord
The angels bow down and call you their King.