Have you ever called my Name in prayers
And I didn’t answer?
Have You ever cried to me in Faith
And I didn’t show up?
Why can’t you just cast your fears and burdens
And leave it right there?
I am Your God, and I will restore
Why can’t you just throw your doubts away
And start believing?
All the times you’ve cried and felt alone
Is enough to trust me
Have you ever wondered Who I AM?
I am your Father!
I am Your God, and I will restore
The years you’ve sown in tears (I will restore)
You may have lost your job (I will restore)
On this mountain of Faith He’s saying to you
Your family left you (I will restore)
You’ve been crying for babies (I will restore)
You’ve been jailed but no trial (I will restore)
Oh (I will restore)
Forever I am Your God (I never change)
Before you came my way (Waited for You)
Nothing is hidden (Before My eyes)
Why can’t you trust me?
For you I stretch my hands (Upon the cross)
The blood I shed (Was not in vain)
They pierced my side, all because of You
Why can’t you just throw your doubts away
And start believing?
All the times you’ve cried and felt alone
Is enough to trust Him?
Have you ever wondered Who He is?
He is your Father!
He is Your God, and He will restore
Have You ever called His Name in prayers
And He didn’t answer?
Have You ever cried to Him in Faith
And He didn’t show up?
Why can’t you just cast your fears and burdens
And leave it right there?
He is Your God, and He will restore
View other songs by: Preye Odede 12