Spoken word:
Hmmmmm I’m still alive
Ebube dike has done it again
Arugbo ojo oooo
You are the ancient of days
Great and Mighty one
Agunechemba one
You are the God of awesome wonder
Eeeh Chukwu iburu mmadu
All Sufficient God
There is no one like you
Idi Ebube, Immarama
Odironye di ka gi
Idi Ebube
You parted the red Sea
You made the blind to see
Even the lame they walk
All power belongs to you
You are my bright and morning star
My miracle working God
All power belongs to you
There is no one like you
Omemma 3x
Your healing Power is available
There is no situation too hard for you to do
All Power belongs to you
In heaven and on earth
Idi Ebube, Immarama
Odironye di ka gi
Idi Ebube. …2x
I see your mighty Power
Breaking every chain
Setting the captives free
Healing all the sick
You are the God of all possibilities
The unchangeable changer
There is nothing impossible
To you great and Mighty God
Idi Ebube, Immarama
Odironye di ka gi
Idi Ebube. …2x
Arise and heal your people Lord
Arise and heal our land
Arise and fight our battles Lord
Arise Arise Lord
Jehovah Jehovah
Jehovah Jireh
Jehovah Nissi