Verse 1:
I’ve found a home, I’ve found a place
And I’ve discovered a resting place
Oh how my soul is satisfied
Right here, in Your Courts oh Lord
Verse 2:
Here on this Altar, I have found rest
And like a sparrow, I’ve found a nest
Oh what a joy it is to dwell
Right here, in Your Courts oh Lord
May this Altar be our dwelling
Fill our hunger and our thirsting
We receive Your grace and glory
Standing right here in Your Courts
Verse 3:
For a day, here in Your Courts
Is better than a thousand more
For what You give, I’d rather be
Right here, in Your Courts oh Lord
Blessed are those who dwell in Your house
For they will still be praising you
We choose to live right here
We choose to be right here
We choose to stay right here
We choose to dwell right here