Inyanga Enkulu (The Great Physician)

Solly Mahlangu

Added on : Jan 17, 2018

Inyanga Enkulu (The Great Physician) – Solly Mahlangu ft. Keke , Zanele
Jan 17, 2018 Oluwasetemi
In Lyrics

Zulu – (Solly)
Inyanga enkul’ ikhona la (the Great Physician is here)
Ogama lingu Jesu (His name is Jesus)
Umlulamisi ophansi la (The Physician is here),
Khanimlalele uJesu (listen to Him – Jesus)

Chorus (Zulu)
Liphi eliny’igama la? (Is There any other name?)
Esisindiswa ngalo na? (By which we are saved?)
Alikh’ eliny’igama la, (There is no any other Name)
Elika Jesu lodwa! (Only Jesus’ Name!)

SeSotho – (Keke)
Oho ‘bitso le ratehang!; (Oh, what a lovely Name!)
Ke le letle hakaakang; (Such a beautiful Name!)
Le monate ha le binwa ke batho; (It is sweet when sung by people)
Lebitso la Jesu! (The Name of Jesus!)

(Zulu Chorus)

Part 2 – Zulu
Alikho igama, elihle njengalo! (There no beautiful name such as His!)


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