
Jehova – Kelly Khumalo ft. JFLO

Bathi sebekwenzile konke (They say they have already done it all)
Beng’khuluma kabi (I was speaking badly)
Bathi bayangiqgiba (They say that they will bury me)
Kanti abazi ukuthi ngiy’ mbewu (However they don’t know that they plant a seed (?))
Yomdali odale konke, eh (Because Creator of all things)
Asoze angilahla (Will never condemn me)
Asoz’ angishiye (Will never forsake me)
Uzohlala nami (You will stay with me)

Response: Ujehova uhlale nam’ (Lord stay with me)
Ujehova uhlale nami (Lord, stay with me) x2
Asoz’ angishiye, hlala nami (Do not forsake me, stay with me)

Hlehlel’ emuva sitha, hey! (Get thee behind me my enemy)
Ujehova uvumile (The Lord has accepted)
Izulu liyavuleka (The heavens are open)
Ziyehl’ ibusiso (The blessings are released)
Isitha sinqotshiwe (The enemy has been defeated)
UJehov’ angeke angilahle (The Lord will not abandon me)
Asoz’ angisheye (Will never forsake me)
Uzohlala nam’ (You will stay with me)

Response:Ujehova uhlale nam’ (Lord stay with me)
Sekukubi, hlala nami (It’s yet bad, stay with me)
I can’t do it without you Lord
Stay with me
Hlala nam’ Jehova (Stay with me, Lord)
Oh Lord, Oh Lord!

It’s been long minute, I’ve been walkin’ a hard mile
But I turn back now I might turn into a salt pile
So I keep forth, keep reachin’ abroad
Keep readin’ the sword, and keep believin’ in God
But God, my feet are exhausted, even breathin’ is hard
Losing sleep was unconsciousness, I eat I feel nauseous
Yet I don’t seek to conform, cause I’ve been deep in the problem
Y’all believe you are alive but you are walkin’ into your coffins
All your leaders are poison, You need to speak to the source
You need to put your hands together half six in the morn’
And my apologies to preachers that I am coming across
But when I come to the cross, I find my problems are solved
Funny I spent a couple of Gs on this Jesus piece
But jeez, I cannot believed that ..?.. would speak with me
It ain’t a feat I cannot defeat if He’s in lead with me
I need so much to believe, Kelly sing with me

Response: Hlala nami (Remain in me)
Jehova hlala nami (Lord stay with me)
Cause I’ve been my hands and knees for weeks and weeks
And I beg and I plead God please cease the tears
You said in Your word, You’ll never leave me nor forsake me
Jehova hlala nami (Lord stay with me)
Hlala nami Baba, Hlala nami (Stay with me Father, stay with me)
If You believe say
UJehova uhlale nam’ (Lord, You dwell with me)
UJehova uhlale nam’(Lord, You dwell with me)


Tags: EnglishZulu

interest in coding and code education volunteer @Gospellyrics

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