Jesus take the wheel

Agbazue Princewill

Added on : Oct 31, 2018

Jesus take the wheel – Agbazue Princewill
Oct 31, 2018 I-solo
In Lyrics

Verse 1
I kinda always thought that
This Life was gonna be easy
Thank God I made it
Cuz I know it is my season

I used to do things on my own trusting in myself.
I had foundations built on a wavy wavy ground

I can’t do this on my own jesus take the wheel
I choose to pick up my cross
and follow as you lead me

Oh oh oh oh!!

Verse II
The Christian road is rough
He didn’t say its gonna be easy
I never would have made it
If it wasn’t for your word

Now I stand in awe of you
Trusting in your grace
Now my foundation is YOU

I can’t do this on my own jesus take the wheel
I choose to pick up my cross
and follow as you lead me

Call:Whenever You call me
Resp: I will be there
Wherever you need me
I will be there
Wherever you want me
I will be there

Call:Whenever You call me
Resp: I will be there
Whenever you need me
I will be there
Whenever you want me

Cus I can’t do this on my own!!

I can’t do this on my own jesus take the wheel
I choose to pick up my cross
and follow as you lead me X2


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