It seems like you want to give up
Things are not going the way you wanted
It seems like God has forgotten you
Your prayers have not been answered
It seems like all hope is gone
There is no way else to go
God says don’t give up now
I’m right there with you
All you have to do is Just Believe
Just Believe, Just Believe
Believe in his word, Just Believe
Believe that he is more than able
Just Believe
Why are you discouraged child of God
Why are you lamenting
Whose report do you believe
Is it that of God or that of man
His word says
You shall flourish like the tree by the river side
His word says
He will renew your strength like the eagle
His word says
He will supply your every need
Believe in His word
Surely it shall come to pass
Just Believe…
Believe, Believe
that he is your provider
that he is your protector
that he is more than able
Believe, I want you to believe
No matter what you’re going through
you only have to believe
Just Believe…