Verse 1
This love will never die
I need more of Your mercies
I lift my hands up high
Am counting up my blessings
My God my only keeper
I love You with my heart ♥
You made me a winner
And set me on the rock ooo
God and My keeper
Lion of Judah
I saw and I conquered
I’ll praise You forever now
Oooo say na You be my God o
Eh eh eh eh only You me I follow
Oooo say na You be my God o
Eh eh eh eh only You me I follow
Verse 2
Yeah verse 2 with the bars
You alone saw me through am here to say big ups
I overtook cuz You broke the gates of brass
The world in Your Hands I ain’t talking atlas
I base on Your Word like I live in my suite
My love for my Lord is in me inbuilt
We’re made in His image we look so cute
I’ve got the Gospel yeah I live by the truth
Fresh in my timbo
I’ve got Your praise in mind like a memo
Now my song is been played on the radio
They gonna realize Christ gad my Elbow
You are my shield in the field
Daily You I need
I move to the top Lord I move with Your speed
I trust in Your name ever since that has been my creed
Cuz Your Word are fulfilled in Words and in deeds
Verse 3
You made my life so happy
Day by day na manna
Any time I call Thee
You pick my call and answer
Daddy you’re so nice
Full of much surprise
Every day and every night
No body can describe eh eh.