Nipe (Grant Me)

Goodluck Gozbert

Added on : Aug 26, 2018

Nipe (Grant Me) – Goodluck Gozbert
Aug 26, 2018 Oluwasetemi
In Lyrics

Hata nikiwa sina chakula, Isinifanye kusahau (Even if I lack food, don’t let me forget)
Ulinilisha nikasaza (You fed me until I was full)
Hata nikiwa sina mavazi (Even if I have no clothing)
Isinifanye nifukuru (Do not let me blaspheme)
Na kusahau umeniweka hai (And forget you kept me alive)
Ona wapo marafiki (To see my friends )
Wanakosa kula na kuvaa (Though they lack food and clothing )
Hawalalamiki, wanakushukuru tu (They do not complain, but give thanks to You)
Mimi eh, nilikupa nini Baba (As for me, what did I give You Father)
Cha kunipa kibali (That You’ve favored me)
Kwa siku zilizofurahisha? (With days that give me joy?)

Taabu kidogo zisinifanye nikusahau (A little trouble should not let me forget)
Umeshatenda mengi – nikiwa hapa (That You’ve much that I have witnessed)
Shida itapita, bado kidogo (Troubles will pass in a little while)
Ikiwa nitachoka niiunue (Should I tire, lift me)

Nipe, kukumba wema (Grant me to remember good) x3
Nipe kukumba wema wako (Grant me to remember Your Goodness)

Hata kwenye bonde hili la mauti (Even in this valley of death)
Nakumbuka nilikuita, (I remember that I called)
Na wewe ukaitika Baba (And Father You answered)
Kutegemea akili zangu, na mawazo yangu (Depending on my wits and my thoughts)
Kutanifanya niendelee (Will make me continue)
niendelee kulalamika (Continue to complain)
Kuna kipindi najisahau (There are times I forget)
na kujivunia mafanikio (And boast of my achievements)
Wengine naona takataka (I see others as rubbish)
Nikumbushe mi ni mtu tu (Remind me that I am but a man)
na dunia tunapita (The world shall pass away)
Uhai wangu si faida bila wewe (My life is not profitable without You )

Mungu wewe ni mkuu (God You are greater)
kuliko vile nakutazama Baba (Than what I can fathom, Father)
Unisamehe, unisamehe (Forgive me, forgive me)
Kuna nyakati nadhani (There are times I suppose)
hii dunia labda ni ya ushindani (That this world maybe is for competition)
Natumia akili zangu za ndani (I use my inner thoughts)
Ila bado nashindwa kuendelea (Only I am unable to continue)
Nikimbushe nisidhani (Remind me not to think)
Wakifanikiwa tuna upinzani (That should they succeed, we are in opposition)
Nifundishe kuwaombea amani (Teach me to pray peace for them)
Na utatenda kwa wakati (And You will act in time)

(Na ikiwa) Kama nikisahau (Should I forget)
Unikumbushe mi mtoto wako (Remind me, your child) (Repeat)



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