Nitaimba (I Will Sing)

Mary Chege

Added on : Apr 13, 2018

Nitaimba (I Will Sing) – Mary Chege
Apr 13, 2018 Oluwasetemi
In Lyrics

Wakati wa majaribu (In times of trials)
Yesu aliniokoa (Jesus saved me)
Nakunipa ushuhuda (And gave me a testimony)
Ukawa wa ushindi (That was of victory)

Nitaimba sifa zako (I will sing Your praises)
Na kusema wema wako (And tell of Your goodness)
Nitaimba sifa zako (I will sing Your praises)
Na kusema wema wako milele (And forever tell of Your Goodness)

Wakati wa machozi (In times of grief)
Yesu atakufariji (Jesus will comfort you)
Atakupa ushuhuda (He will give you a testimony)
Utakuwa wa ushindi (And it will be of victory)


Wakati wa kuchukiwa (In times of hate)
Yesu atakupenda (Jesus will love you)
Atakupa ushuhuda (He will give you a testimony)
Utakuwa mshindi (You will be victorious)



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