You made away
Where there was no way
Lord, There is no one like You
You are the way
You are the truth and life
There is no one like You
The wilderness is now a fruitful ground
There is no one like You
The Stone the builders rejected
Is now the Chief Cornerstone
There is no one like You
Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)
Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)
Aka ye (His Hands)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The Hand of Jehovah does Good)
Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)
Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)
Aka ye (His Hands)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The Hand of Jehovah does Good)
When the enemy comes like a flood
I just shut him up in the Name of Jesus
Cos Your Name is great
Cos Your Name is Power
Cos Your Name is Mighty One
No One like You
Let’s Talk about
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
They were thrown in the fire
But You became the Fourth man in the fire O God
No One like You
What about Daniel in the Lion’s den
He was left to be devoured by the Lion
But You stepped in everything changed O God
No One like You
What about Paul and Silas
They prayed (Tongues)
They sang Halleluyah
And the Spirit of the Lord came down
No One like You
What about me
What about me
What about me
What about me
You put Your Spirit O God in me
And then You said that I’m
The Apple of Your eyes
Nobody can challenge You
Nobody can challenge You
No cabal
No disease
No demons
No devil
No infirmity
You are bigger than them all
You are bigger than them all
So I come in the Name of Jesus
In the Name of Jesus
We conquer in the name of Jesus
We triumph in the Name of Jesus