Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Call: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: Thank you for not leaving me to the wishes of my enemies
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: Ogbe ni nija keru obo nija Jehovah Lo nja fun gbenga
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: I have seen your hands fighting
when the enemies came like a Flood
Jehovah you raised your standard against them
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: And I’m saying it again Only because you Made a way
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Thank you for fighting my battles for me
Gbani gbani nijo Ogun le
Thank you Thank you Thank you L:ord
Thank you for fighting for me