Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Eniyan nba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Olorun to lagbara
Aye iba ti gbemi mi o
Bikosewo Oba to nja fun mi o
Call: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: Thank you for not leaving me to the wishes of my enemies
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: Ogbe ni nija keru obo nija Jehovah Lo nja fun gbenga
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: I have seen your hands fighting
when the enemies came like a Flood
Jehovah you raised your standard against them
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Call: And I’m saying it again Only because you Made a way
Resp: Thank you for fighting my battles for me Jehovah Olugbeja
Thank you for fighting my battles for me
Gbani gbani nijo Ogun le
Thank you Thank you Thank you L:ord
Thank you for fighting for me
Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh…
Intro Just a little time we will leave this world, Just a little time and we will live no more…
You beautify me you sustain me you glorify yourself in my life Iwo ni adun aye mi You show up…
For we are not drunk with wine in excess but we are filled with the Holyghost we are not drunk…
Thank you thank you thank you I have come to thank you Lord you have been so good to me…
Baba I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I…
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