Oluwa loni mi
Oluwa loni mi o
Oluwa loni miiiiiiii
Lord you own my life
Lord you own my life
Lord you own my life
I give it all to you
I give it all to you
Take me over Holy Spirit
Out of me flows living water
Take me over Holy Spirit
Fill me till I overflow
Let my hands become the hands of Jesus
Let my mouth become the hands of Jesus
Let the pattern found in the life of Jesus
Let it be expressed in my life this day
Let it be expressed in my life today
Let the mind found in Jesus
Let the humility found in Jesus
Let the pattern found in the life of Jesus
Let it be expressed in my life today
Let it be expressed in my life today
I refuse to live lesser than the Life Jesus
As He is so am I in this world
Let every virtue found in the life of Jesus
Let it be expressed in my life today
Let it be expressed in my life today
Open my eye Jesus
Open my eye to see you
Open my eyes, Jesus
Open my heart Jesus
I long to know you more and more/2
Give me hunger and thirst for you alone
Saturate my life with hunger and thirst for you
Give me appetites for you alone
Give me hunger and thirst for you
Give me hunger Give me hunger
Give me hunger and thirst for you
Oh oh oh oh oh oh/2
Word hunger prayer hunger
Kingdom hunger communion hunger
Ha ha ha haha
I don’t want to/refuse to waste this life
I don’t wanna/refuse to waste this grace
I want to /yes I will live for you
Teach me Your way
Teach me Your will
Invade my life
Invade my life
Spirit of God/breath of God
Invade my life
Align our lives
Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh…
Intro Just a little time we will leave this world, Just a little time and we will live no more…
You beautify me you sustain me you glorify yourself in my life Iwo ni adun aye mi You show up…
For we are not drunk with wine in excess but we are filled with the Holyghost we are not drunk…
Thank you thank you thank you I have come to thank you Lord you have been so good to me…
Baba I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I…
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