Lead Voice:
Some bow to gods made by human,
Some put their trust in graven images,
But the gods would fail and men would fail,
You are the only God, who never fails.
Oh! Olorun o yato, Ife re yato, Ise re yato, Alara oto
Verse 2 (Ola):
You are so distinct, distinct in all your ways,
nothing on earth compares, nothing in heaven compares,
You are so distinct, distinct in all your ways,
nothing on earth compares, nothing in heaven compares.
Olorun o yato, Ife re yato, Ise re yato, Alara oto (4xe)
Bridge 1
Yes you created me in your likeness, and no one can love me like do,
Backup: Yes no one can care for me, “cause Ife re yato,
Baba you created me in your likeness, and no one can love me like do,
Backup: Yes no one can care for me, “cause Ife re yato.
Olorun o yato, Ife re yato, Ise re yato, Alara oto (Repeat)
Oba alara toto sohun ara, Ara ara ni se re,
Oba alara toto sohun ara, Ara ara ni fe re,
Oloruko ara, oloruko ara, Oloruko ara, onise ara,
Help me call him…
Ara, Ara oto ni o, Ara, alara oto,
Ara, Ara oto ni o, Ara alara oto,
Yes, you are Perfect in all your ways,
You parted the red sea,
The 4th man in the fire,
Eh!!! Onise Ara, Onise Ara, Onise Ara, Alara Oto.
Onise Ara, Onise Ara, Onise Ara, Alara Oto.
Beautiful in all situations,
Mighty man in battle,
Eh, onise ara ni o,
You are the God so full of wonders,
You are the Wonder working God.