(Verse 1)
Ocean divider that’s who you are
Ngalaba mu e Onye dika gi e
Chi na eme mma, Chi na asa njo, Chi di Ike…Rpt
Obu onye eee…….
Onye eee, Onye eee, Onye eee
Obu onye kam ga asi na o yiri gi
(Rpt Chorus)
(Verse 2)
I searched and searched, and nobody came close to you
You’re my defender King of Kings I worship you
Chi naeme mma, Chi na asa njo, chi di Ike….
Obu Onye eee.
(Rpt Chorus)
Onye eee, Onye eee, Onye eee
Obu onye kam ga asi na o yiri gi
Oma mma mma zuru ahu ee
O ji, JI jide nma mee,
Aka nkwu na eche obodo one e e
Oma mma mma zuru ahu Eze, Obata Ulo adinu mma ee
Gwam okwu….
Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil
For thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff,
They comfort me
Your mighty, Your glorious, Your faithful, Your worthy……