Gini k’am ga eji nye gi ekele chioma n’eme nma aaa,
gini k’am ga eji nye gi ekele, chioma n’eme nma
Aha!! its Kingdavid!! Kaydeegospel (Son of grace) I dedicate this song to Almighty God! for all
He’s done for me, for His love and grace upon my life. Baba I say Oshe!!!
Thank you lord for my life, for all you’ve done for me, for all you’ve done for me
I’ll give you praise, morning and night I’ll praise your name
King of kings and Lord of lords, chioma n’eme nma
You’ve taken me out from the miry clay, your love is all I see!
Abba Father,Lord of lords, King of kings and Onyeoma!
Fountain of life, My heartbeat, words ain’t enough to describe you Lord
My soul redeemer ,your peace I find, umu chineke kuba aka!
because of His love i sing this song, you can call this wonder praise
Oh! how I love to praise your name, you set my feet on a solid Rock
Your my savior, I call you “onyeoma” and nothing can separate me from your love
Though the fig tree does not bud! and the world seems to cave in
Chioma meh! m ga akpokwa gi onyeoma! (Onyeoma aa) your my father, ibu papa ukwu!
So I count my blessings, name them one by one, see all the good the lord has done
One by one and two by two, put on your dancing shoes lets praise the lord
Kpo ya onyeoma! Kpo ya onyema (onyeoma) Kpo ya onyeom ehhhhhh
Yeah!! I dwell in the Palace of Grace and I walk in the fear and wonders of GOD! AMEN!!