Oruru Gi (You Deserve It)

Jason Umeobi

Added on : Sep 21, 2016

Oruru Gi (You Deserve It) – Jason Umeobi
Sep 21, 2016 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

When I think about Cross,
How you took my place,
How my guilt and shame Was rested upon you ,
You mean everything to me ,
All I’ll always do is have your praises on my lips

Kam kwuo ugwo m ji gi
(Let me pay the debt I owe you)
Site n’ichili aka m elu
(By lifting my hands)
Iwelu olu m elu
(Raising my voice)
Inye gi ekele
(To give you thanks )

Oruru Gi
(You deserve it)

Words are not enough
To tell you how I feel
Great joy like a river Is flowing from my heart,
if I have a thousand voice,
it won’t be enough to say thank you,
all I have to say,

You’re worthy, worthy
You’re worthy, worthy

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