Jah shall overturn, until it finally is your turn
He will shatter the plans of the enemies
and cause all o’dem to run
Then he will bless the works of your hands
Such that you won’t understand
Hallelujah shall you sing when this word shall come to pass.
Verse 1
Life’s been unfair and very stressful
People may have treated you like you have no value
The works of your hands are not profitable
And at every turn things seem to turn against you
Be of good cheer cos your redemption has come
The Lord of host says He shall overturn
Hallelujah shall you sing, when this word shall come to pass.
Verse 2
Look as they gather to plot your downfall
In vain they dig a pit hoping that you fall
But because their gathering is not of the Lord
All their plans and scheming shall surely be annulled.
The Lord shall send ambushment against the enemy
In the end you shall have the victory
You shall indeed multiply greatly
This prophecy shall be your testimony.
I serve the Lord of Lords, The King of Glory
The God of all grace and the Lord of mercy.
He has seen your pain and has heard your cry
He says the time has come to change your story.
He shall overturn and overturn every situation till your victory is won.
Hallelujah shall you sing when this word shall come to pass
Hallelujah sound it (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah sing it yeah (Hallelujah)
Lord we give you glory (Hallelujah)
Lord we lift your name high (Hallelujah)
Lord we give you praises yeh eh (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah oh…hallelujah ah ah ah ah
Hallelujah shall you sing when this word shall come to pass.
You shall have your own house (Amen)
You go get your own pikin (Amen)
You shall drive your own car (Amen)
Everything will make sense (Amen)
Your business will flourish yeh eh (Amen)
Hallelujah shall you sing when this word shall come to pass… Blessed!