Real to Me

Big Bolaji

Added on : Mar 10, 2018

Real to Me – Big Bolaji
Mar 10, 2018 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

[Lord I thank You for all you’ve done
And all you’re yet to do
You mean everything to me and more
Yes you are]

You are Shalom
Jesus you’re my peace
You are Shammah
You’re everywhere I go
You are Rapha
Your healing hands I see
You are Jesus
You’re so real to me

How can I explain your love
How can I explain your grace
How can I describe your worth
You are so real to me

You are Shalom
Jesus you’re my peace
You are Shammah
You’re everywhere I go

You are Rapha
Your healing hands I see
[Oh oh oh oh oh]
You are Jesus
You’re so real to me

How can I explain your love
How can I explain your grace
How can I describe your worth
You are so real to me

How can I explain your love
How can I explain your grace
How can I describe your worth
You are so real to me

How can I explain your love
How can I explain your grace
How can I describe your worth
You are so real to me

You are so real to me
You are so real to me
You are so real to me
You are so real to me
You are so real to me


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