All though time there’s been a yearning in our hearts/
An attempt to please You God and know your Truth
But with something so unphysical, and commitment so conditional
We loose so many times what matters most.
Living in a world demanding all our heart
And with more questions than the answers we so desperately seek
With our hearts so grieved so occupied with what we don’t have, what we desire.
Seems sometimes there’s no room left for Love.
Oh but in the night and through our lives, Your presence tugs and aches our hearts
But everything around us pulls, away from Love along with us.
And when we finally find the time, to lift our hands and reconcile.
Distraction rears it’s ugly head, confusion brings it’s hurt again.
Though I know to press on in, but let so much get to me,
I’ll get up and i’ll keep chasing after You.
Lord I’ll never stop seeking after You.
Cause when it’s all said and done/ It is You that I want
It is You that I need.
When it’s all said and done/ It is You that I want
It is You that I need.
Nothing in this world could satisfy/ You are what my heart and soul desires.
My life is meaningless if it’s not lived according to Your will.
I’ll spend my life chasing after You. (2es)
Cause when it’s all said and done/ It is You that I want
It is You that I need.