Not for throne or crown,
But to dwell in His presence;
Bowing down with
My sacrifices of praise.
Not for fame or name,
Nor a power so defines,
But daily reverencing his majesty
Flowing generously
From my body, mind and spirit,
Lift Him Up
And sing His praises loudly (Halleluyah)
Praises so abundant,
In the Atmosphere of my heart,
Lift Him Up
Sing His praises for evermore
Not for pleasure or treasure,
Nor for blessing so grandeur,
But my bowel
Be filled with His praises.
Not for titles or honour,
Nor for authority to subdue
Glow in me, spirit of gratitude
Flowing generously
From my body, mind and spirit,
Lift Him Up
And sing His praises loudly (Halleluyah)
Praises so abundant,
In the Atmosphere of my heart,
Lift Him Up
Sing His praises for evermore
For the rich grace, He bestowed
And the great help so divine.
All received
For His mercies undeserved
And His goodness unreserved
All His love and fullness
Flowing generously
From my body, mind and spirit,
Lift Him Up
And sing His praises loudly (Halleluyah)
Praises so abundant,
In the Atmosphere of my heart,
Lift Him Up
Sing His praises for evermore.