Take all of me


Added on : Nov 30, 2017

Take all of me – JustinMuzik
Nov 30, 2017 I-solo
In Lyrics

I offer my life as a living sacrifice to your will, take it all
I yield my spirit to the wise and holy one, Jesus Christ, just take it all
So come one and take all of me, father come take all of me, spirit take all of me, Holy spirit, Holy spirit.
Oh Take all of me
Father, take all of me, spirit come take all of me, Holy spirit, Holy Spirit.
Oh… Say

I offer my life as a living sacrifice to your will
Take it all…
I yield my spirit to the wise and holy one, Jesus Christ
Take it all…
Take all of me…
Father come take all of me
Spirit come take all of me
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit

Oh take all of me
Oh my God come just take all of me
I hand myself all over, I give myself away God oh zodias, Holy spirit, Holy spirit all my…

CALL: Just take it all
RESPONSE: Take it all

Take all of me, spirit come take all of me
I’m hungry Jesus
Take all of me Holy Spirit
Holy spirit…


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