I choose to take this journey
Of a lifetime of love walk with you
And yes
As I look in your eyes, they tell me
Of what true love should really be.
So as we stand before the Lord
Here is my vow to you
As we stand before His throne
This is my vow to you
Faithfully I will love you
Joyfully I will serve you
Deeply I give my heart and my body and soul to you
For the rest of our days
You and me
Hand in hand
As we walk through the aisle
Our new story has just begun
This is how I prayed it should
This is how I prayed it should be
Faithfully I will love you
Joyfully I will serve you
Deeply I give my heart and my body and soul to you
For the rest of our days
View other songs by: ClemIbekwe 1