Trust in the Lord, don’t be discouraged
Troubles sometimes, will do you no harm
Don’t be afraid, the terror of the night
Don’t be dismayed, the Lord is thy keeper
And the Lord is your strength
Just trust in the Lord (Repeat)
You are my refuge and my shield
In You I put all of my trust
In times of troubles I know
You’ll keep me safe in Your dweling
I cried to the Lord; He heard me
He turned my mourning into dancing
He is my Rock and my Fortress
I trust in His unfailing love
Trust… trust in the Lord
Trust… put your faith in Him (Repeat)
When my enemies come against me,
They will stumble and fall
For the Lord is my shield and my salvation (Repeat)
Don’t be afraid, the terror of the night
Don’t be dismayed, the Lord is thy keeper
And the Lord is your strength
Just trust in the Lord
Trust… trust in the Lord