Wanifaa x2 (You Satisfy me/ You suit me)
Ulinifia msalabani, Yesu unanifaa
(You died for me on the Cross, Jesus you suit me)
Ulimwaga damu yako mi nipone, unanifaa
(You shed Your blod that I may be healed, you suit me)
Ulishuka kuzimu, wee (You descended to hell)
Ukamnyang’anya shetani funguo, hee
(And wrested the keys from the devil)
Ulisema yamekwisha (And said it is finished)
Neno la Bwana linasema, tafuteni mungu
(The Word of the Lord says, seek God)
Na hayo mengine jamani, mtazidishiwa
(And everything else will be added unto You) (Repeat)
Unanifaa x8 (You suit me/ You are enough)
Amin’x3 nawaambia (Truly I say to you)
Mtu hawezi kufika kwake (No one can come to Him)
Ila kwa njia yake Yesu (Only through Jesus)
Maana Yesu njia ya uzima (For Jesus is the way of Life) (Repeat)
View other songs by: Eve Bahati 1