I’m lost without you God
Verse 1
Without you, I’ll be nowhere,
Heading Nowhere
Life makes no sense, without you
Without you, I’ll rise and fall down, move back and forward, there is no me without you.. Without..
It feels like living in a room without a roof,
It feels like walking on the street without a shoe,
It feels like up and down, back and forth without you… Yeaeee
I’m lost without you…God
without you Onye wem
(my creator).
I’m lost without you obimo (my heart) without you Onye wem,
I’m lost without you God, without you Onye wem..
I’m lost without you oooooooo.. without you obimo..
And let the people of the Lord rejoice for who we are in Christ Jesus. Ahhh thank you lord.
Verse 2
With you, all things are possible
I’m moving mountains
I’ll do all things through Christ living in me..
With you, I’m more than conqueror, living in prosperity, I am above not below
I can fly with no wings
Walk on the see
I can walk through the door without the keys
It feels so good… So good…with you…in you I am made..
I’m desperate for you…obimo
I’m desperate for you..