You alone can heal

Austin Adigwe

Added on : Mar 22, 2020

You alone can heal – Austin Adigwe
Mar 22, 2020 I-solo
In Lyrics

Jesus, you are the Living God
You alone is Truth
You alone can change my Life
Oh Father, you deserve my praise
Unto thee I yield, you alone can heal (2x)

You alone is God, you alone is mighty one
You are the Word and the Word is God
Oh Father unto thee I cry
Unto you I yield, you alone can HEAL
Oh Oh Oh, Father unto thee I cry
Unto you I yield, you alone can HEAL

You are Jehovah, you are my comforter
You hold me close in times of strives and pain
Oh you are God, in you I lay my life
In you I found, uncommon peace
Oh Father unto thee I cry
Unto you I yield, you alone can heal

Jesus, you are the Living God
You alone is Truth
You alone can change my Life
Oh Father, you deserve my praise
Unto thee I yield, you alone can heal (2x)


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