You are Amazing


Added on : Dec 8, 2016

You are Amazing – Enkay
Dec 8, 2016 Oluwarufus
In Lyrics

Verse 1
For the times you pour your love like water on my weak and tired thirsty soul
And the times you pick the pieces of my broken heart and make me whole
I say..
You are faithful
I rely on you put my hope on things not seen
And I’m so grateful
Your love for me so undeserving brings me to my knees

You’re amazing God
You’re amazing
You’re amazing God
My heart belongs to you
I love you always
You’re amazing God

Verse 2
When I look at all creations wonders
The birds the skies the trees and even me
And I see how you put perfection, poured your spirit out on everything
I just declare
You are faithful
I rely on you put my hope on things not seen
And I’m so grateful
Your love for me so undeserving brings me to my knees

Repeat Chorus

Chukwu onye oma (good god)
Idirim nma (you are good to me)
Chukwu onye oma (good god)
Ahurum gi nanya (I love you)
You’re amazing
You’ve been faithful to me
You’re amazing
Everyday lord, new mercies I see
Bless your name Jesus
My heart belongs to you, I love you always
You’re amazing God

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