In you I live n have my being
My life my Faith is in your hand
My hope my trust is all on you
my anchor daily Holds on you
You are always there for me Lord
You’ve never let down or fail
Daily I see your faithfulness
Upon my life thank
I just wanna thank lord u for all you’ve done
You made me what I am today
My very help in times of need
You Saved me gave me grace to live
And plant my feet on solid rock
You hide me in your secret place
you always there for me God
Even unworthy state
I don’t know how to thank Lord
For all you’ve done for me Lord
I just wanna thank lord u for all you’ve done
If not you where will I be
you are my strong tower
you are my hiding place
Lord I give you the glory and
bless your holy name 2x
View other songs by: Chiedu Mitchiel 1