You Deserve My All

Freddie p

Added on : Oct 18, 2017

You Deserve My All – Freddie P ft. Chrisstar
Oct 18, 2017 I-solo
In Lyrics

I can not pay you for all You have done
I can not pay you for everything that you have done
Lord I will praise you with all my heart
Lord I will praise with all I have

I can not pay you for all you have done (×2)
But I praise you with all my heart
I will praise with all I have

Cause you deserve my all oh Jesus
You deserve my all My all my all my all
Everybody sing

you deserve my all all all
You deserve my all all.. ..all
You own my everything
You own my every….thing

Call:my everything
Response:my everything
Call:all I have
Response:all I have
Call:its yours
Response:its yours
Call:its yours
Response:its yours

I give you everything that I have Jesus
You deserve my all
I give my everything lord
It all belongs to you

You deserve my everything
it all belongs to you Jesus hallelujah
You own my everything all my life, my heart belongs to all belongs to you Jesus Hallelujah


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