Holy (3x) you’re a Holy God
Righteous (3x) you’re a righteous God
Healer (3x) God you’re my healer
Faithful (3x) you’re a faithful God
Awesome (3x) you’re an awesome God
Maker (3x) God you’re my maker
You are Holy God
You are Righteous God
You’re an Awesome God
And we bless you Lord – (3D/C)
All creation in one accord are singing that
You alone art Holy
You alone art righteous
You alone art Faithful and Awesome
In all your ways…
You are Holy God
You are Righteous God
You’re an Awesome God
And we bless you Lord (3D/C)
(Call and Response):
Solo: You are Holy
All: Holy
Solo: You are Righteous
All: Righteous
Solo: You are Awesome
All: Awesome
All: And we bless you Lord (3D/C)
Holy are you God, Holy are you God
Your my healer, your my maker, ohhh, God youre my maker…