Call: Erujeje…… Olorun
We have to come, we have to bow down
All: Erujeje…… Olorun
We have to come, we have to bow down /4x
Alagbada ina
Alawotele orun
O n gbe nu wundia sola
O n gbe nu adelebo sogo/2x
You are the Lord that was and is to come
The angels bow before your throne and they proclaim
You’re God alone
The Lord that made the sun to rule by day
And also made the moon to rule by night
The same God
You are God alone.
Mighty God, Great I am, Elohim, Adonis, King of kings, Lord of lords.
How great you are
How great you are
The terrible God with fire
When He speaks, it sounds like thunder
It makes the whole earth tremble
And He’s a merciful and friendly God
How great you are
Alagbada ina
Alawotele orun
O n gbe nu wundia sola
O n gbe nu adelebo sogo/2x
(interlude and speaking in tongues)
Call: Alagbada ina/4x
Res: Alagbada ina/4x (3ce)…..