Alpha and Omega

Jude Philips

Added on : Sep 3, 2020

Alpha and Omega – Jude Philips
Sep 3, 2020 I-solo
In Lyrics

Abha mio no dia bo ose(3times)
No ribho okhun,
Abha mie ba rekho kho ole
No se bo ole

Abha mio no dia bo ose(3times)
No ribho okhun,
Abha mie ba rekho kho le
No se bole

Alpha and Omega,
You have done what no man can do
Alpha and Omega
You deserve our praise and worship

At the mention of your name,
Dry bones shall rise,
When you speak your powerful word,
Afflictions crumble down,
We’re here before you throne
To extol you holy name
Humbly we adore you
Almighty God

Alpha and omega
You have done what no man can do
Alpha and Omega
You deserve our praise and worship

Abha mio no dia bo ose
No ribho okhun
Abha mie ba rekho kho le
No se bo ole.


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