Verse 1
You created the sun the moon the stars
And perfected them all creations as far as
the oceans and seas, mountains and hills all you made
With my hands lifted high with my voice I raise
With holy sounds I Extol in praise
Your matchless love, Your tender heart none compares
So I sing this song to you
Boh Ekom do, boh itoro ×2 (receive all thanks and praise)
Amanam ooo (you’ve done well)
I’ve never seen a God so faithful
I’ve never seen a love so true
You dey make me forget all troubles
You dey make me forget the pain
Atad owo Akan ofong Asine owo ye obufa (the one that takes away our rags and gives us new clothes)
I go dey cherish your name from January to December
Kabiosi baba I go dey sing this song to you. …
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