VERSE 1 (Purist)
Heaven and earth will pass away
His word remains the same
He’ll Never Leave You
In times of trouble… ohh oh oh
VERSE 2 (Evans)
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy comes in the morning
Just Lift up your eyes
It’s gonna be alright
Wait on the Lord
Don’t be discouraged
Trust in His word
China…za o o o
He’ll make all things new
Trust him and believe him
He’s fighting your battles
Chinaza o o o
Chinaza ekpere 2x (God answers prayers)
Just Hold to his word
He will surely see you through
Chinaza (God Answers)
Onye nweanye (The one who owns us answers)
Ebezine (don’t cry)
Atu lujo (don’t fear)
Chinaza (God Answers)
Onye nweanye (The one who owns us answers)
Chinaza (God Answers)
Onye nweanye (The one who owns us answers)
Ona za (He Answers)