You have a plan for me
Even though I cannot always understand
Beyond what I can see
I know that I am held within Your Hands
So I will trust in You
And I will lift a song a praise for You
And never ever change
No matter what I am going through
Even here Your Name is Healer
Even here You are still Good
Even here I will exalt You
And lift up praises as I should
For even here, Your Power is greater
I will choose to glorify
The Power of Your wisdom
Though I live or though I die
You ways are perfect, Your Name is Healer
And You are Good
You hold my destiny
So I can look with eyes of faith to what would come
Not moved by what I see
And without ever growing weary I will run
And I will testify
Of Your wisdom that is greater and
And the power is stronger
For You conquered death with Life!
Oh Your plans for me is good x3
No matter what the days may hold
Your plans for me is good x3
No matter what, You’re in control (Repeat)
You ways are perfect
Your Name is Healer
And You are Good