I just wanna say that God is good
I just wanna say that God is kind
I just wanna say he’s been so good
I just wanna say he’s been so kind.
He’s taken my pain and given me joy
Gave me new life and set me free
I don’t look like what I’ve been through
His joy in me has made a way.
Look at me now is God not good
God is good God is good God is good well well.
Look at me now is He not kind
God is kind God is kind God is kind well well
When the enemies came to bring me down
Down – down
At the end of the day, God fought my battle.
Good Good God
God is good
He’s so good
In the midst of what I’ve been through
and all the things He’s done for me
My very soul shall shout and say..
When the enemies tried to pull me down.
God came and rescued me.
Where would I have been if not for His grace and goodness
Common take it up now.